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Who related with my life

 Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Hey i'm back.  Now it's time for me to story about ma lovely family which is the most important person in my life.
I got a very handsome and cool daddy on the earth name Azhar Ahmad. When I was little my parents are divorced so my dad has been taking care of me when i was small untill now. Because of that he become everything for me. 4 words for u dad 'ME LOVE U ALWAYS'.

Azhar Ahmad
Here is my step mom name Munirah.  I am so lucky because i got a kind step mom who always taking care of me from i was 2 years old till now eventho she is not my real mom but who cares right ? 3 words for u ibu 'THANKS FOR EVERYTHING'.

This is my lovely and beautiful sister name Izzati Azhar. She is 21 years old and married to Junaidi. I really love my sister because she like to cook and always in favor to me and always believe me even though others try to aggravate me. She also got twins daughter name Qistina Nabila and Qistina Nabiha.

Izzati Azhar

Qistina Nabila & Qistina Nabiha

I got one more gorgeous lil sister name Iylia Azhar and she is 18 years old. She is very stubborn among the three of us and the most thin in the family. She also got married with Saufie and got 1 cute and naughty baby boy name Mohd Farish Irfan.No matter what u choose in your life please take care of your self sister. Me love u always and believe u. Go girl u strong i knew that !

Iylia Azhar

Mohd Farish Irfan

Lastly here is my lil brother Dhia Fuad and the only one hero in my family. He is 11 years old.  His just a normal boy love to playing football, games and go to 'surau'.  Cute right !
Dhia Fuad

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